Leslie ANN mullin

founder + CrEATIVE DIRECTRESS + Mermaid


I have been graced to learn from many inspirational women who have taught me how to swim, so to speak. They have each shared with me in their own way that beauty is unique, beauty radiates, and most importantly beauty transcends surface and shape. And so in 2015, the Dirty Mermaid Beauty apothecary + vintage + lifestyle collection set sail, as an homage to them and to inspire us to enjoy a moment of pause and make space for self-nurturing rituals.

After moving back to the Bay Area from Brooklyn to be closer to family in 2019, I wanted to create a way to experience Dirty Mermaid Beauty IRL…

I was inspired to open our Secret Garden + Milk Bath Portrait Studio, as a creative space/studio for guests to honor special milestones in their lives and their family’s lives.

This led us to us opening our sister space, the Golden Hour Boudoir Studio, shortly after in 2021. Formerly our living room/showroom for our apothecary line, it has been magically transformed into the luscious natural light studio for all to enjoy!

Then I wanted to make life a little more festive, so I soft launched our Mobile Tiki Bar + Paradise Party Rentals in 2023. A perfect way to fulfill my desire of having a tiki bar and possibly still be in bed before midnight.

Thank you for supporting our vision and including us in your celebrations of special milestones!


You CAN swim with us on INTSAGRAM @dirtymermaidbeauty