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The Coney Island Mermaid Parade

The 34th annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade, as usual very mesMERizing and just the right amount of wild! I'm sharing here a costume quickie tutorial which upcylcled my parasol from the Jazz Age Lawn Party from the weekend before. Thank goodness these events are on different weekends, because it would be difficult to choose! I'm also sharing my fave highlights from this year's parade...and if you missed it, don't worry because the second annual Poseidon's Parade will be happening later this summer on the Rockaway Beach Boardwalk.

(Time: 30 mins / Cost: Less than $10)


  1. Scissors
  2. Tape
  3. Vintage-styled parasol or umbrella
  4. Ribbons (various colors)
  5. Streamers (various colors)


Hope to see you there next year!!





The Swellife: A Fashion Truck Diary

One of my NYC summer loves are outdoor markets/bazaars...especially when they come to me! :) So today, I'm sharing a little fashion truck diary featuring The Swellife. Katie Long is the founder and creator of The Swellife, and with her fabulous style and taste she brings you delightful beach fashion, beauty and lifestyle accessories to adorn you body and home. The Swellife fashion and lifestyle truck will have it's GRAND OPENING this Memorial Day weekend at the Playland Motel. I really can't wait to see the finished truck, and if you'd like to see more of the process check out Katie's blog. See her other upcoming markets and locations for the summer here. And if you can't find her at the beach, you can shop Katie's favorite boho vibes also online at

I am heavily influenced by packaging, the store’s atmosphere, smell, etc. So naturally I am putting just as much thought if not more to the look and feel of my truck than in the products going on the shelves. I want The Swellife to be a bright, airy space, smelling of peonies and sandal wood. A space that will be enjoyable to come visit as well as shop around in. I’m thinking of a basic palate of white with gold touches and possibly this amazing flamingo wall paper from Cole&Son.
— Katie, via The Swellife blog

Highlighted in the gallery is Part 1 of her story:

Step 1: Inspiration/Interior Moods
Step 2: Chasing the Dream Truck
Step 3: Truck Renovation
Step 4: Putting the Hub to Work
Step 5: Fab Branding
Step 6: Curate Great Merch


May 28, 2016   11am - 5pm

Playland Motel
97-20 Rockaway Beach Blvd @ corner of 98th Street
Get off the shuttle train at 98th Street





Seattle's Floating Sauna

A follow-up to our first blog post 5 Beautiful Saunas + Benefits. All of the gorgeous saunas featured were not necessarily in our backyard (if you're stateside), so something a little closer to home and just as lovely: the wa_sauna designed by the talented architecture and design firm goCstudio, founded by Jon Gentry and Aimée O'Carroll in 2012.

The wa_sauna is a contemporary floating sauna on Seattle's beautiful and crisp Lake Union. Designed to be enjoyed year round by Seattlites and visitors alike, the sauna it is heated by a wood burning stove and can comfortably seat up to 6 people.

And you're in luck, this is only the FIRST wa_sauna! This first model is for user experience testing (I'm free to test out!!) and additional floating saunas will be built to provide further accessibility for the Seattle community. See where the founders story began and further plans via their Kickstarter campaign and watch the quick campaign video below >>

And stay tuned as goCstudio will be launching the 2016 wa_sauna Program soon! They are graciously accepting program ideas or events via The 2016 wa_sauna Program is tentatively set to run April through September. I think this calls for a trip to the Pacific Northwest! Xx

All photography by Kevin Scott   /   Original wa_sauna feature from the Contemporist. ;)





WIN A Night Under the Paris

I love the Contemporist blog, and just a few days ago they shared this great contest hosted by Airbnb. Since it's very fitting for mermaid life, I wanted to share it here too on our Mermaid Tales blog. 

Right now you can enter to win a two nights stay at this very unique underwater room, with 360 degree views of the L'Aquarium de Paris, specifically the Shark Aquarium. And that's not all, according to the Contemporist: "Fred Buyle, a world record-breaking freediver, underwater photographer, and shark enthusiast is the host, and he along with a marine biologist, will take you on a tour of the aquarium and give you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of sharks."

You can enter the contest via Airbnb here until April 3rd, 2016 at 11:59pm Central European Time, if you're not too afraid of sharks. The stay is for two merbabes and will take place next month, April 11 - April 13, 2016 in Paris, France. Yes folks, it's already April! 

Some rules during your stay from your gracious contest hosts:

  • No selfies after dark. Remember, sharks are sensitive to light.
  • Avoid seeing Jaws before your sleepover.
  • No sleepwalking or night swimming.
  • No diving.
  • Keep your heads and feet in the bedroom at all times.
  • Sheep can't swim, so count sharks instead.
  • Don't take the bait.

And don't worry, if you happen not to win the contest, I will be posting a follow-up blog post on other unique under the sea lodging experiences. And who knows, you might even catch a glimpse of a mermaid! ;)


